Other Interests
He and MrsDrLupo have been married since 2010, and they have have a son. They also have a dog and a couple of cats.
Name Origins
His father had been a Professor of Psychology at his University, so he chose his name as an in-joke with his friends.
Gaming Origins
Lupo was introduced to video games when he was around three years old by his mom and three older brothers. His first video game was Tetris on the Nintendo Entertainment system, which his mom would play with him before he went to kindergarten. When he was growing up, his favorite games was the RPG Chrono Trigger. His love of video games is was sparked his interest technology, which in turn motivated him to study systems engineering. While he was in college, he spent a lot of his free time playing Halo with his friends.
He joined Twitch in 2013 in order to learn more about Diablo, and later started streaming for his own sake in order to keep track of his character's farming progress while he was at work. If the character stopped farming, he would ask MrsDrLupo to adjust the keyboard and character so that it would resume farming. He also used his stream to keep track of any items that he may have needed to collect. Prior to streaming, he completed his degree in IT and worked as a Senior Systems Engineer.
Professional Gaming
DrLupo only really began utilizing his channel for creating viewable content when he became so good at Destiny that other Destiny players started offering to pay him to help them pass the ‘Trials of Osiris’ phase. He therefore started streaming for them in May 2015, as it was the easiest way for him to teach them what to do.
Once the demand became to high, he started streaming other user guides for different parts of the game, which slowly built up his follower base. In early 2016, a friend encouraged him to join PUBG. This marked the real turning point in his career, as it was during one of his PUBG games that he killed Ninja, which resulted in Ninja sending him a friend request with a PM inviting him to become his duo partner.
He received full Twitch partnership on January 28, 2016, and in March 2017, when he felt that he had a significant following, he decided to quit his job and stream full-time. This was a major risk for him, as he had recently received a promotion at work. However, he felt that this was a once-off opportunity for him, that he simply couldn't pass up on.
He often co-streams with Ninja, TimTheTatman, and CourageJD.
While not crude, his language isn't always the cleanest when he's playing non-Fortnite games in 'Dark Mode.' Although he does still occasionally stream Fortnite, DrLupo has been maining Escape from Tarkov since January 2020. In August 2021, he announced that he had signed a deal with YouTube and would be streaming on that platform instead from then on.
DrLupo is estimated to have around 26,000 subscribers. This would minimally net him ~$91,000 USD per month, excluding further income from tiered subscriptions, cheer bits, advertising, tournament winnings, merchandise sales, sponsorships and affiliate sales revenue.
Streaming Hours
- Thursdays - Saturday & Monday - Tuesday - 15:00 – 22:00 PM UTC and 02:00 - 05:00 AM UTC
- Wednesday - No Stream
- Sunday - Evening only
- Duo-team match with Ninja in the Summer Skirmish Series NA - 2018
- Talked a fan out of ‘ending it all’ on his live chat on May 27 - 2018
[Teenagers who dream of going pro should] grind [a lot]. don't forget about your fall-back; your education and everything. It's important.
In my opinion, if you're the kind of person who likes being in front of people and you enjoy social social interaction and you play video games to have fun, those are the type of people who should stream.