Sam “Adept” appeared to accuse Felix “xQc” of trying to get two different ladies pregnant in two weeks during a recent livestream.

The Twitch community has been gripped by the online drama involving Felix and other streamers including Sam, Fran, and JesseSMFI, with accusations of dishonesty, psychological abuse, and physical violence coming from concerned parties. Adept seemed to be accusing xQc of trying to get two girls pregnant at the same time on a recent livestream, suggesting that this was not typical behavior, saying: “Have you guys ever tried to get two women pregnant within one week of each other? Have you guys ever tried to do that? Is that normal behavior? Is that something that your parents do or your brothers do? Who does that?”

A number of scandals involving xQc’s interactions with other Twitch streamers like Fran, Pokelawls, and Adept have come to light over the past several days. Fran proceeded to her broadcast to announce the reason she broke up with Felix was because he cheated on her after a fan-favorite online feud with Pokelalws went viral. The Canadian streamer quickly acknowledged his cheating, validated the information, and even went live to address his audience. After tweets from JesseSMFI that claimed Sam had told him Fran might be pregnant and that she herself had given birth before went viral, more details eventually emerged. 

As soon as this information became public, Adept appeared to be in a great deal of pain. She started crying onstream and rebuked Jesse, saying: “Either way, for him to mention that – you don’t speak on other, like, on a women’s pregnancy. That’s none of your business!”

Readers should be aware that there are restraining orders in place and that Sam and Felix are now involved in a legal dispute. Having said that, soon after this, she denounced her ex-partner on Twitch, implying that he had successfully carried other women to term at the same time. She informed the audience as she played Subway Surfer: “I wasn’t the only one at the time, from what I was being told, who was concerned about being pregnant during that time. During those weeks…”