Other Interests
He has a brother.
Gaming Origins
BobbyPoffGaming was introduced to video games buy his uncle who bought BobbyPoff’s family a PlayStation 1 as a gift when he was living with them for a while. From there, he moved on to the Nintendo 64 (N64), PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and so on.
His first fps game was James Bond: Golden Eye on the N64, with his first online game being Resistance: Fall of Man. Soon afterwards, Call of Duty 4 (CoD 4) was released and it quickly became his favorite franchise. However, his parents wouldn’t let him watch TV or play video games during the week. He therefore bought himself a TV during middle and hid it in the closet in order to grind the leaderboards after his parents had gone to sleep. His hard work paid off, as he even managed to rank 6th for CoD: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) while he was in college.
Outside of gaming, he also played a lot of soccer, basketball and football. As e became more serious about CoD leaderboards in high school, he stopped playing most of his sports, aside from soccer which he still played recreationally.
Professional Gaming
After college, he started working for his family’s business but wasn’t really enjoying it. He was watching some streams online and decided that it might be worthwhile for him to attempt a career in it himself, especially as the CoD: BlackOps 4 battel royale mode, Blackout, was about to be released. One of his main inspirations was Ninja, as he was the same age as himself and yet was still able to build a brand for himself and make it into a very successful career.
So, he started grinding Blackout for between 15-16 hours a day as soon as it released and then began streaming in October 2018. He decided that the best way to do this would be to put in about 12 hours a day into streaming, which is something that he still continues to do. This diligence paid off and he already began to draw attention to himself in late December 2018 when he managed to get the most kills across all platforms in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout.
He uses a standing desk and alternates between sitting and standing while he plays for health reasons. He joined Team Envy's COD team in February 2021.
According to his Twitch overlay, BobbyPoffGaming has ~14,770 subscribers. This would net him around $51,700 USD per month. This amount excludes additional income that he receives from tiered subscriptions, tips, Twitch cheer bit contributions, advertising, merchandise sales and sponsorships. He has also received over $17,875 USD worth of cheer bits from his top ten contributors alone.
Streaming Hours
He doesn’t have a set schedule but tends to stream on most days for between 8 – 12 hours per session.
[If you want to make it as a streamer,] you’ve got to be really consistent. For me, I’ve sacrificed a lot, so if you really expect to just dive into this, you’ve got to realize that it’s a lot of work. You’ve got to do something that other people aren’t doing to separate yourself from the pack. Just at the end of the day, playing at a high level, being entertaining and interacting, I think those three things are key, even if you have low viewer counts, you can build relationships with the viewers that you do have. That’s the best place you can always start, just building the community that you want.