Other Interests
Aurora_Peachy and her husband have been married since 2013. They also have a few dogs and she has a younger sister.
Name Origins
Her gamertag originates from her Guild Wars 1 character who was a monk called ‘Aurora Astrolos.’ This name, in turn, was inspired by a sci-fi show that her parents were watching a while before that. The show was discussing the aurora borealis and astrology. From then on, she continued using variations of ‘Aurora’ in other games that she played. Peachy was taken from Princess Peach.
Gaming Origins
Auroro_Peachy has been playing PC video games since childhood after being introduced to them by her father. She started out with some basic dos games such as School Bus Driver and Kid Pix. She also played Atari games at her grandmother’s house. Other games that she played included Aladdin, Donkey Kong and Barbie Super Model. Two of her favorite games that she enjoyed playing when she was in her late teens was Dream of Mirror Online and Grand Fantasia.
She first discovered Sailor Moon in 1997 and has been obsessed with the series ever since, despite getting picked on for it throughout middle school and high school.
She has a Bachelor of Science in Photography. She did a lot of freelance work before transitioning into fulltime streaming.
Professional Gaming
She started uploading her Let’s Play videos of classic PC video games to YouTube in February 2012, after watching other people’s Let’s Play videos and being inspired to try creating her own content, as she thought it would be fun to share her passion with others and to read her viewer’s feedback. However, she took a break for a year after six months for personal reasons.
She then returned to uploading Guild Wars 2 content in September 2013 after logging 800 hours on it and being inspired by watching the content of other YouTubers. She then started streaming it on Twitch in February 2014. She became a Twitch partner in July 2015. She and BogOtter have bee creating Guild Wars 2 content together since early 2014.
She is known for her enthusiasm and emotional investment in the games that she plays, as well as her bubbly personality. She keeps her language clean.
According to Twitchstats.net, Aurora_Peachy has ~3,400 subscribers. This means that her base income should be ~$8,500 USD per month. This excludes additional income from tiered subscriptions, tips, Twitch cheer bit donations, sponsorships, merchandise sales and advertisements.
Streaming Hours
She updates her streaming schedule weekly on her Twitch profile, but generally streams five days a week.