Gaming Origins
Rogerbrown has been playing World of Warcraft (WoW) since 2006. During his final year of high school, he decided to take an eight-month break from WoW in order to focus on studying for his finals. In 2009 after his break, he rejoined his previous raiding guild and discovered that he now wanted more of a challenge. He therefore applied to Method and managed to get in.
He did a 12-month mandatory stint in the Greek army in 2019.
Professional Gaming
He started streaming on Twitch in October 2012 and only began uploading videos to YouTube in December 2017. In July 2020, he and other former Method members formed Echo Guild after Method disbanded.
Streaming Hours
Daily for between 2 – 14 hours per session.
[In order to be a raid leader,] you need to not make any emotional decisions [and to] have a lot of game knowledge. You need to not be afraid to tell one of your raiders that they are underperforming… [Also,] yelling is not good for your raid… You need to realize that its not going to get you anywhere.