Other Interests
He has a dog named Sansa.
Gaming Origins
Terroriser was introduced to video games by his older brother when he was five years old, with his first game being Street Fighter. He started getting really into video games when he began playing FIFA when he was nine years old.
Outside of gaming, he grew up playing football and even dreamed of becoming a professional player when he grew up. However, that didn’t pan out, so he went to college after high school. During that time, he moved in with some other boys and they introduced him to Machinima gaming content. He especially got into creators such as SeaNanners, Goodgriefing and Hutch. After watching them for a while, he was inspired to make his own attempts at content creation.
Prior to streaming, he went to college, dropped out after a year, worked in a clothing store, returned to university and then dropped out again to pursue fulltime content creation.
Professional Gaming
Terroriser uploaded his first Call of Duty video to YouTube in May 2011. After a few months, he submitted one of his clips to a channel called GoodGriefing and got a shoutout from them that helped to boost his channel. He also started creating joint content with them occasionally.
His language isn’t clean.
TwitchStat’s puts Terroriser’s subscriber count at around 3,800 to an average viewership of 1,200. This would earn him at least $13,300 USD per month, excluding additional income from tiered subscriptions, team salaries, sponsorships, donations, Twitch cheer bit contributions and advertisements.
Streaming Hours
He doesn’t have a set schedule.
Interesting Facts
He voices ‘Buck’ in Alpha Betas and his favorite football team is Manchester United.
There is no certain formula to being successful on YouTube. A lot of people have funny remarks to say how to get big on YouTube. Yes, there are many variations of ways you can grow on YouTube, but what I tell people is ‘Just upload. Upload, upload, upload.’ If you get five people watching your videos, my goal was, when I had five or ten people consistently watching my videos, my goal was to entertain those ten people. Give them the best possible content that I could possibly give and then if you can entertain those people, I guarantee you, at least four of them will tell their friends.