His mom is supportive of his career path and he has a cat named Bobo.
Gaming Origins
TastelessTV has been playing video games since childhood, with some including Marvel vs. Capcom, Soulcalibur, and Street Fighter, as well as various arcade games. He was first introduced to RTS games through Warcraft II. His next main RTS was Command & Conquer, followed by StarCraft (SC1) in 1998. He spent much of his free time during high school playing StarCraft with his younger brother, Day9TV.
Professional Gaming
He started attending occasional SC1 LAN events during his early college years. In 2008, he dropped out of college to pursue a career as an English caster in StarCraft and currently lives in Seoul, South Korea. His friend, Artosis, also moved to Korea around that time and the two of them agreed to always stick together.
It was a risk, but he felt that it was worth it, as he felt that career stability was an issue in any field in the US. So, he tried to stay relevant and took various freelance jobs to tide him over until SC2 released, as he felt that that would be when the true opportunities would arise. In 2011, he did his first coverage for the GSL. They liked him and he has been covering their events ever since.
He started uploading his Taste Less Podcast content to YouTube in April 2019.
According to TwitchStats, TastelessTV has around 1,400 subscribers, which means he should be earning at least $3,500 USD per month. This is before he receives additional income from tiered subscriptions, casting fees, , tips, Twitch cheer bit donations, advertisements, sponsorships and merchandise sales.
Streaming Hours
He doesn’t have a set schedule.