Other Interests
He has a younger brother and a dog named Hank.
Name Origins
He has always used the last names of hockey players as his World of Warcraft characters’ names. Markstrom was one of them. This one was inspired by Jacob Markstrom when he was still an up-and-coming player in 2006 and this is the one that stuck for him.
Gaming Origins
When he was nineteen years old, he got his license to work as a professional trainer through the American Council on Exercise and worked as a personal trainer while he was a Biology major in the Pre-Med track at the University of Florida. As one of his general interest courses, he took Russian and was so interested in it that he gained enough credits to take it as a second major. This course load became too much for him to balance alongside his personal training, so he was forced to drop it.
This also caused him to need to take a gap year to study for his Medical College Admission Test to get into Medical School. After taking the MCAT, he started doing medical applications while working fulltime as a Biomedical Researcher where he assisted with neurological studies. He still had a bit of free time, so he started streaming as he had been watching World of Warcraft and other RPG broadcasts by content creators such as Ducksauce and Sodapoppin since justin.tv. The first game that he streamed was Fallout: New Vegas in April 2015, but he soon moved on to DayZ. Hies viewers helped him through the game, as well as with setting up his stream through OBS as well as other basic issues.
Professional Gaming
Once he had been accepted into a program, he had some leeway to think about what he wanted to do. He felt that as he already had two bachelors’ degrees and had been accepted into a program, that he had a safety net to make it worth attempting to develop is burgeoning channel further. This was especially true as the lab where he was working was being shut down and he had a supportive group of viewers. He also felt that the debt that medical school would incur as well as the additional ten years of studying wasn’t worth it.
Therefore, in late 2015 he dropped out of medical school in order to pursue fulltime streaming even though he was only averaging around 30 viewers at the time. His girlfriend was supportive, as she knew how miserable he had been with his studies and working with other people. His family were also supportive of him, as they only cared that he was earning enough to be self-supporting. He was then partnered with Twitch on September 19, 2016 when he was averaging ~180 viewers per stream.
Markstrom met Deadlyslob during his DayZ days as both of them were streaming similar content and attracted similar audiences who wanted to see them interact. They watched each other and hung out in each other’s chats and started streaming together as well, as they still continue doing today. As they both had different tactical preferences, they alternated the locations and playstyles every other day.
He also has a fiancé.
According to Markstrom’s Twitch overly, he has over 3,335 subscribers to his channel. Therefore, he should be earning at least $8,337.5 USD per month. This is before he receives other income from tiered subscriptions, tips, merchandise sales, Twitch cheer bit, advertising, and sponsorships.
Streaming Hours
- Sun – Fri: 12:00 UTC onwards (usually 8 hrs)
- Sat: No stream
The only wat to feel good about [streaming] with any sense of longevity, is to really feel good about the people you surround yourself with every day… One of the best decisions that I ever made was being a little bit harder on my chat as far as what I expect from them. I think that it's very easy to accept the internet as it is with its anonymity as it exists, that it’s very easy to just let it ride… I wasn’t as willing to accept that… I would rather grow slower and miss out on those views for the sake of acquiring the quality over the quantity.