Maldiva's parents are divorced, but he makes time to visit both of them and their new spouses. He has a much younger sister.
Name Origins
In 2007, there was another Warlock user called ‘Maldaven’ who had introduced him to the class. He therefore named his own Warlock character after him as both a tribute and joke.
Gaming Origins
Prior to his stepbrother introducing him to the free-trial of WoW during one of the earliest seasons, Maldaven used to play RuneScape. They would just continually create new trial accounts, as their parents were not willing to spend money on it every month. He originally played a Hunter character until season eight, when he created his current Warlock.
Maldiva became aware of streaming in 2011, soon after the WoW: Cataclysm expansion was released. He was highly ranked in Arena and decided to try get into streaming for fun in order to help other people with their gameplays, as well as to show off his own skills. Although he was aware of Twitch’s partnership program, it wasn’t seen as a potential career at that point. For a couple of years, he was making ~$200 per month from his hobby, while studying in college and working in sales.
Professional Gaming
When his stream earnings and tournament winnings amounted to enough monthly income, he quit his job and focussed on streaming fulltime.
He has a fiancé.
Maldiva is estimated to have ~450 subscribers. This should net him a monthly income of at least $1,125 USD, excluding additional revenue from his team salary, tips, tournaments winnings, Twitch cheer bit contributions. sponsorships and advertising revenue.
Streaming Hours
While he doesn’t have a set schedule, he streams almost daily for between 5 – 9.5 hours a session.
- 1st – Championship Finals NA - 2017
- 1st - Arena Cup Qualifier #5 NA - 2017
[Streaming] is definitely not consistent. You’ll have the most insane month that will totally blow you out of the water… and then you’ll have those months where you’re like ‘I can’t even live off this.’ So, if your job is making money like that, you just have to be very smart about it. So, [when] you have that big month, you don’t just go, like, ‘wow, look at this - thousands of dollars, let me just go spend it on something stupid.’ So, as long as you’re money-smart, you don’t just go spend it all, you just need to save and prepare, because you have to know that [in] the upcoming months, you’re going to have bad months.