Name Origins
‘Gosu’ translates as ‘highly skilled person’ in Korean. This has become a recognized term for a strong player in games such as StarCraft and LoL, which is why his friends gave him this Gosu chose this as his username.
Gaming Origins
Gosu grew up playing games such as Zelda, Pokemon and Mario on his Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Gosu was shy and introverted as a teenager and spent a lot of his free time playing video games. When he discovered Blizzard's games such as StarCraft, he became addicted to strategy games. He initially played for fun, until his friends encouraged him to play League of Legends (LoL) with them in 2009. While he was initially disinterested, he slowly grew to love the game.
Gosu was inspired by streamers like Doublelift, and so started streaming for fun in 2013 in order to use it as a means to overcome his shyness.
Professional Gaming
Gosu’s popularity took off when he created a montage of his highlights and posted it to Reddit. Viewers were impressed with the montage and spread the word that he was worth watching.
Although he initially didn’t use chat or voice, he still accumulated a large following based on his skills alone. In fact, he only revealed his face for the first time in 2014, and only began streaming with a microphone in December 2015.
DisguisedToast is estimated to have ~1,400 subscribers, with a viewer base of approximately 3,300. This should generate him a monthly income of at least $4,900 USD. This is before receiving additional income from tiered subscriptions, tips, Twitch cheer bit donations, sponsorships, merchandise sales and advertisements.
Streaming Hours
Sporadically from 08:00 UTC onwards.
He created a character and managed to achieve Diamond rank in LoL in just over 21 hours in January 2018.