Bill also has a daughter and granddaughter, as well as two dogs. His wife has always been supportive of their streaming.
Name Origins
Their ‘Squishies’ are spelled differently because when they originally chose their names, Bill typed in his name first according to the standard spelling, but when Jason went to enter in his name, he found that it had already been taken.
Gaming Origins
Jason grew up playing video games. Bill used to watch him sniping in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and thought that it looked like fun, so one day he decided to try it out himself. Jason taught him how to snipe offline and soon became addicted to gaming as well. Jason also played a variety of sports, including football and baseball IRL. However, he stopped playing a pitcher when he tore the fibers in his arm. This injury caused him to focus more on his gaming.
Professional Gaming
Jason first had the idea to create a YouTube channel and convinced his dad to join him. They therefore uploaded their first YouTube video on March 6, 2011 and began streaming on Twitch on a nightly basis from January 2013. They decided to commit to a nightly schedule at that time, because Bill was between jobs at the time, and Jason was studying in college part-time, so it was a good time for them to commit to grinding.
They decided to branch out into livestreaming as they thought that it would be fun because they both enjoy interacting with others and thought that it looked like fun, especially in regard to the chat feature.
In 2016, they decided to take a break from streaming vas they had become burnt out from streaming every day and Bill was exhausted from streaming daily with a fulltime job. and only returned to it a year later. Bill’s wife has always supported them. When they returned, they decided to keep it to three times a week in order to prevent it from happening again, as well as to enable them to balance it with Jason’s fulltime college schedule and Bill’s fulltime work schedule.
Jason and his girlfriend met during his freshman year of high school.
According to their Twitch overlay, they have ~2,210 subscribers. This means that they should be receiving at least $5,025 USD per month, excluding revenue from tiered subscriptions, advertisements, sponsorships, Twitch cheer bit donations, merchandise sales and tips.
Streaming Hours
- Mon, Wed & Sat: 23:00 UTC onward
- Sun, Tues, Thurs & Fri: No stream
Interesting Facts
Jason was born on 1996-01-23.
[We grew due to] consistency, dedication… those two combined are really what happened.
[Bill:] One thing that I think parents have to do, be interested in what your kids are doing, even if it looks stupid to you. Even if it doesn’t look like it’s going to hold your attention, it doesn’t matter. Spend time with them. I mean, every year flies by, so that’s always been my inspiration.