Twitch culture is strange, to say the least. There are Memes, emotes, and never-ending trends that wax and wane with the times rule the roost.

Keeping up with all of Twitch’s memes and endless emotes can be difficult. Some emotes, like Kappa, stand the test of time and rise above their initial popularity to become nearly as popular as Twitch itself.

Another of these emotes is BibleThump. It’s been around for what seems like an eternity, and it’s constantly used in Twitch chats in some very specific and sometimes upsetting situations. But what does it really mean?

The BibleThump chat emote is a Twitch chat emote. Isaac from The Binding of Isaac, a 2011 video game that quickly gained popularity on Twitch in the speedrun and Let’s Play communities, is the character in the emote.

The Binding of Isaac was widely streamed and is still being streamed today due to its highly replayable nature. In 2012, Twitch added BibleThump as an emote, making it one of the longest-running emotes on the platform.

Isaac is always crying in the game, and he even uses his tears as projectiles to fight enemies. Sadness and crying are the foundations of BibleThump.

To put it another way, BibleThump is constantly used in Twitch chats whenever someone expresses sadness. It could be a sad event in a game, a video that the streamer is reacting to, or the streamer’s own sadness. It’s a way for Twitch chat to express sadness and sympathy.

When your chat window fills up with Isaacs, know that something tragic has happened, and you might want to consider typing “BibleThump” yourself.