Felix Lengyel AKA xQc recently expressed his opinion about how the current “streaming wars”—not between Twitch and YouTube, but rather Netflix and its rivals—are getting out of hand because of the saturated market and higher barriers to entry for users.

It’s getting harder to watch any show you want these days. Each streaming service has its own licenses, and platform-based exclusives are a common occurrence. But prior to the streaming wars, Netflix was the undisputed market leader.

xQc expressed his desire to go back to those times during a recent stream: “Call me a boomer dude, but I liked when Netflix had a monopoly.

Blockbuster and physical rentals were the only options in a world before Netflix, which demonstrated the potential of online streaming. When the platform first started, Netflix was one of the only companies offering legal online streaming, which gave them the freedom to host shows that are now fiercely competitive.

There was a time when Netflix simultaneously offered That 70’s Show, The Office, Frasier, and even Parks and Recreation. However, the rest of the world has since caught up, with Netflix now facing competition from Hulu, Disney Plus, and HBO Max for high-profile films.

As xQc summarized the current state of the streaming wars, he became more agitated and expressed his frustration at how VPNs are the only real solution. As more businesses compete for streaming customers, the situation is unlikely to improve, but hopefully, xQc will one day be able to watch the show he wants, whatever it may be.