After a little more than two years, Fortnite Chapter 2 is coming to an end. The chapter finale will be part of The End, a massive event that will begin in-game on December 4th at 4 p.m. EST.

The End, like many other events, will be an in-game playlist that players can queue for up to 30 minutes prior to the event’s scheduled start time and it will be a one-time-only event, meaning that fans and users of the game won’t be able to watch replays of it and Epic won’t run it again once it’s finished — whenever that may be.

At the time, Fortnite’s Chapter 1 finale was the largest in-game event ever, with the game being taken offline for several hours. While the goal was to update the game and its servers, it also resulted in hundreds of thousands of players watching Twitch streams of the game’s offline message, waiting for it to return. For the first time in the game’s history, players were greeted with a completely new map when the servers finally returned.

While Epic has remained tight-lipped about what The End will entail, it’s possible that Chapter 3 will include a brand new map or even a more significant change to Fortnite.