Name Origins
‘Gladd’ is short for gladiator, which is the username that he used to use.
Gaming Origins
Gladd first started playing video games as a child on an Atari system. He later moved onto the Nintendo 64, which became his main controller for a long time. He later got into speed-running games such as the various Super Mario titles.
His first introduction to FPS games was with Call of Duty, which he started playing in high school. Since then he has played many FPS and third-person titles, and continues to do so on his stream, although his main game is now Destiny 2.
Professional Gaming
He opened his YouTube account in June 2014. He uploaded his first clip in March 2015.
According to his Nightbot, Gladd has ~12,000 subscribers. This would minimally earn him a monthly income of $30,000 USD per month, excluding additional income from merchandise sales, sponsorships, advertising, tips and Twitch cheer bits.
Streaming Hours
Gladd streams almost daily, but not according to a set schedule. He can stream for between 7 – 18 hours a session.