He has a sister, a bearded dragon and a couple of cats.
Gaming Origins
Sydicate grew up watching YouTube videos and playing video games. When he was in his teens, he saw one of his friends’ sniping montages and was inspired to try creating his own content, which lead to his creating his YouTube channel, Sundicate Central, in 2010. There, he began uploading his gameplays of Halo and Modern Warfare 2. After a few months of streaming his content, he was contacted by Machinima, who wanted to feature him on their website. His channel really took off at the end of 2010, when he began creating playthroughs and tip videos for CoD: Black Ops Zombies. All of this helped bolster his viewership and paved the way to his choosing to pursue a career as a professional streamer once he had graduated high school.
Although his dad was originally against his decision, his family is now supportive of his career choice and often feature in his IRL content. His mom and sister also run his merchandise line.
Professional Gaming
Syndicate originally intended to pursue a degree in IT, but his tutor, who was following his progress as a streamer, advised him to rather focus on streaming full-time. His father met with his tutor and was convinced to support his son in his career path. Since then, He has continued to increase his follower and subscriber base. Therefore, in 2015, he decided to rebrand his channel as 'LifeOfTom,' thereby transitioning from gaming content to daily vlogs. However, he does still great gaming content on his YouTube channel, 'TheSyndicateProject' and his Twitch channel, which he started on in 2015.
He would like to design and create his own video games one day.
Heh as a girlfriend.
Syndicate is estimated to have around 1,800 subscribers, with an average of 2,600 viewers. This means that he earns a monthly income of at least $6.300 USD, excluding additional income from tiered subscriptions, tips, sponsorships, Twitch cheer bit donations, merchandise sales and advertisements. The bulk of his income obviously comes from that generated by his YouTube content.
Streaming Hours
No set schedule. Streams almost daily on his various channels.
[The key to success as a streamer] is consistency. If you're going to upload a video, then that's great, but when's anyone going to know you're going to upload a video. So, as soon as you've got an audience from the get-go, you should be like, 'every single Friday I'm going to upload a video at a set time,' because then people know like [with] a televisions show.