Name Origins
He named himself after the WWI German aviation fighter, Lothar von Richthofen.
Gaming Origins
LotharHS started playing video games when he was eight years old and played anything that he got get his hands on. As a teenager, he also played some paper Magic: The Gathering as well as a few other IRL card games, including Pokémon and the World of Warcraft TCG.
LotharHS started playing Hearthstone in 2014 after one of his friends gave him a beta key, knowing that he had used to enjoy the WoW RCG. He saw its potential as a professional game, and he fell in love with what he felt to be a good combination of simplicity and strategy, as well as the pacing of each match.
Prior to becoming a pro-player, he completed his Bachelor’s degree in Audio-visual Advertisement and a Master’s degree in Cultural Studies. He then worked as a professional bodybuilder for a few years.
Professional Gaming
He began competing in local Hearthstone tournaments in 2014. In 2015, Kinguin offered him a budget to set up a Hearthstone team for a charity tournament that they were hosting. He managed to get RduLIVE and Lifecoach on board and they decided to call themselves Nihilum. After a year, his team transferred to Gamers2.
His current main focus is streaming, casting and managing the various G2 teams over competing in tournaments.
He and his wife have a daughter and a poodle.
LotharHS has ~800 subscribers, which should minimally earn him ~$2,000 USD per month, excluding additional revenue from tiered subscribers, team salary, casting fees, sponsorships, tips, advertisements and Twitch cheer bit contributions. According to his Twitch bio, has received ~€5021 (~$5629 USD) from his top 12 donators alone.
Streaming Hours
Although he doesn’t have an official schedule, he tends to stream daily for between 4.5 – 8.5 hours per session.
- 1st- ESL IEM Poland Final Qualifier - 2015
The [opportunity to shine] was first given to me by Kinguin, and that opportunity was given to me because I was appearing the events and I was paying from my own pockets to go to those events and appear there and work on my own branding. That culminated into something else and it’s like an always step by step building of your own brand and then you get more opportunities and can build something bigger. And I feel like most people just want to jump from point A to D by ignoring everything in between… I think that people diminish the fact that it’s really hard to get a professional job in eSports in general... Unless you do something substantial behind the scenes, like you’re a good camera operator, you probably would get a job at some point if you just apply.