Other Interests
He hasa dig named Jasper.
Name Origins
When he was younger, he would try to level up accounts to sell to other players. Two of the accounts were called ‘BlackKaras’ and ‘HouseMai,’ and he just joined the two names together when he created his own account.
Gaming Origins
KarasMai grew up playing a variety of console games. In high school, he took Call of Duty: Modern Warfare quite seriously and even competed in a couple of LAN events. However, he wasn’t so crazy about it to try making a career out of it, despite his having won son money in events. When he was in high school. He started playing League of Legends (LoL) in 2014 when he saw his brother playing it during their summer break in Season 4 and decided to try it out. He fell in love with the game and soon chose Graves in jungle as his main champion.
He took a break in 2015 and then returned in 2016. He improved his gameplays by watching Asian server ladder streams when he wasn’t playing himself.
Professional Gaming
When he returned during Season 6, he quickly climbed the ladder. After he was perma-banned for the first time, he got bored and started watching LoL streams for fun. As he had a reputation for toxicity in Elo, he decided to try streaming his climb from a fresh account. He slowly gained a following and was partnered with Twitch on May 5, 2017. He has been maining Kayn since the champion’s release and has been ranked among the top 200 players on the NA region since Season 7.
His language isn’t clean.
According to his chat bot, he has over 2,520 subscribers. As he generally attracts over 2,000 viewers, he should be earning a monthly income of at least $8,820 USD per month. This is before he receives further revenue from tiered subscriptions, tips, advertisements, Twitch cheer bit donations, and sponsorships.
Streaming Hours
While he doesn’t have a set schedule, he tends to stream daily for between 2 – 7 hours per session.
[When trying to climb the ladder,] don’t ever blame teammates. always focus on self-improvement I’m sorta known for being a bit toxic at times but if I’m truly focused on winning, I won’t type and just focus on my own mistakes. but if someone calls me out and tries to insult my play, I’ll have some back and forth banter with them before I mute all.