He and his wife live in Canada and have a cat and a dog. His dad was initially more supportive of his career choice than his mom, but she eventually came around when she realized that he could make a good living out of it. She now watches every pro-match that he participates in.
Name Origins
According to his Twitch autobiography: ‘My gaming history and habits go way back to the Doom days. This is also where my name comes from. I was a little pleb and couldn't finish Doom at my current age.
So, my father would put a little note on the left side of the screen. "Press §, write IDDQD". What does iddqd mean? This is a cheat code that would make you invincible in the game and inevitably make me finish it. This is such a fond memory to me, so I decided to keep it close with me and use it as a nickname.’
Gaming Origins
Iddqd grew up playing video games with his dad, preferring FPS titles like Doom and Quake 3. Prior to Overwatch, Iddqd used to play Quake. He mained Railgunners and when he switched to Overwatch, he found McCree to be very similar, which is why he continues to favor McCree over the other characters.
However, he had originally started out playing Reaper and Widdowmaker. But his teammates encouraged him to try McCree as they felt that it was a better fit for their lineup. He did so and the rest is history.
Streaming Hours
No set schedule due to his tournament commitments.
- 1st – DreamHack NA Winter Qualifier - 2016
- 1st – Overwatch World Cup EU Qualifier - 2016
- 1st – Overwatch TaKeOver 1 - 2016
- 1st - The Plays Launch Event - 2016
- 1st - GosuGamers NA Overwatch Weekly #16 - 2016
- 1st - GosuGamers NA Overwatch Weekly #15 - 2016
- 1st - One Nation of Gamers Overwatch Invitational - 2016
- 1st - Metatrone CUP Overwatch #1 - 2016
- 1st – ESL Community Cup #2 EU - 2016
- 1st – ESL Community Cup #1 EU - 2016
[In order to improve as a McCree main,] keep playing. Don’t get discouraged about what other people tell you. I mean, don’t get discouraged if anyone says you’re bad or anything. Just keep practicing and set up small goals. Start with a little bit of aim-training and eventually, you’re just going to get better at it.