Other Interests
Ms5000Watts is close to her mom and has a few siblings. She and her husband have been married since late 2015 and they have two cats.
Gaming Origins
Ms5000Watts was introduced to video games by her mom when she was a toddler. The first game that she played was Pitfall! on the Atari 2600. When she was older, she started playing Final Fantasy, which she feels is her favorite series.
She has suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (C.F.S.) since she was four years old. This is one of the main reasons that she is grateful about the success of her streaming career, as it doesn’t put her career at risk when she is going through a bad spell. It also enables her to help her mom financially when need be.
Professional Gaming
The idea of creating her own video content occurred to her when she first started playing CoD and tried to improve by watching YouTube CoD commentary videos. This exposed her to the entire array of gameplay, commentary and let’s play content and communities that she hadn’t yet been aware of. It looked like fun to her and decided that she wanted to do it as well.
Ms5000Watts started uploading her own video game commentaries and Q&A videos to YouTube in 2012 and transitioned to Twitch in May 2015. At the time, she mainly focused on CoD content. Her language is pretty clean.
Ms5000Watts is estimated to have ~2,400 subscribers. This should net her a minimum monthly income of at least $6,000 USD, excluding additional revenue from tiered subscriptions, tips, Twitch cheer bit contributions. sponsorships and advertising revenue.
Streaming Hours
She doesn’t have a set schedule, but she tends to stream several times a week for 2 – 5 hours per session.
Interesting Facts
She has a fear of video game water.
The best advice that I can give for anyone getting started [with YouTube] and getting into a habit… of making videos, is to jot down the things that you wanna talk about. Now, I’m not talking about an entire script. You don’t wanna write down, ‘hello, my name is John.’… But, you definitely want to write down things that you definitely want to talk about in the video. What this enables you to do… is when I write something down, it kind of clears the topic in my head so I know what I want to say before I’m recording it, and I’m also thinking about it pre-recording. Because I don’t want to forget things. I don’t want to leave out something important or funny... and at the end of the video be like, ‘oh.’ I don’t want to… re-record an entire video because I just derped something that I missed that I really wanted to include.