Other Interests
She has a younger brother.
Name Origins
Before ItsSkyLOL set up her stream, she was trying to think of a good name. She loves watching the stars in the sky. Her name ‘Aiste’ also means ‘Sky.’ She chose the anglocized version of her name to accommodate those who didn’t know how to pronounce her real name. ItsSky was already taken, so she added LOL to the end firstly because she was playing League of Legends at the time, and secondly because it also stands for 'Laugh out loud,' so it would still make sense even if she were to stop streamingLeague of Legends.
Gaming Origins
She started gaming when she was very young and was excited to discover virtual worlds. When she was older, she began watching YouTube videos and dreamed of growing up to become a streamer. As a teenager, she began creating practice videos on YouTube. Even then she tried to produce them in English. She loves filming, editing and creating content and so she stuck with it until she eventually opened her real streaming channels.
Professional Gaming
Aiste joined Twitch on July 22, 2017 and set up her YouTube account the next day.
ItsSky is naturally brunette. Currently keeps her hair long and dyed blonde. She has brown eyes.
ItsSky is estimated to have over 3,400 subscribers. This would minimally earn her ~$8,500 USD from monthly subscriptions alone.
Streaming Hours
- Monday: Off
- Tuesday: 15:00 – 19:00 UTC
- Wednesday & Saturday: 12:00 – 15:00 UTC and 16:00 – 20:00 UTC
- Thursday: Off
- Friday & Sunday: 12:00 – 17:00 UTC
Interesting Facts
She has a degree in Veterinary Medicine and Biology.
Whatever you do, wherever you go, whatever you dream about, just never give up and just work hard for it.
You have to find new ways... if you find something boring to you, you have to find new entertaining ways to enjoy things that you used to love again.