Halloween Terror is a fan favorite because it provides us with some of the best skins and cosmetics of any of the game’s seasonal events.

Along with revealing that the 2021 festivities will begin on October 12th, Blizzard has also shown off a brand new Roadhog skin, which appears to be a hit.

Despite the fact that the clip is only 10 seconds long, we get a good look at Hog’s new skin.

Just based on this sneak peek, it’s in the running for Roadhog’s creepiest skin yet. Pennyhog is most likely an Epic skin, as his shoulder tire can still be seen, and his vest has the same base model.

Players appear to enjoy the horror film homage, with many joking that a clown is the perfect look for Roadhog mains.

Even though there were plenty of comments complaining about a lack of new gameplay content, most players seem eager to unlock some brand new skins, according to Krook, an avid Twitter Overwatch fan.

With Overwatch 2 in the works and set to release (hopefully) in 2022, this could be the final year of Halloween Terror in the original game. We don’t know what the sequel’s event will entail just yet, but we do know it’ll be difficult to come up with a creepier Roadhog skin than this.