While watching Gamescom 2022, well-known Twitch streamer Aris gave a pessimistic forecast, criticizing the current state and potential future of the video game industry.

Not everyone is thrilled about the future of gaming, even though Gamescom 2022 is already well underway and introducing a variety of new projects. Gamescom is a video game convention and showcase with a German base that announces a wide range of titles and gives updates on games that are still in development. Twitch streamer Aris had a few positive things to say about the direction of the video game industry while he was live-streaming the convention’s conference.

Aris noticed the similarities between The Callisto Protocol and previous games like Resident Evil 4 while viewing the gameplay trailer. Despite this potential similarity to earlier games, Aris preferred the idea of drawing inspiration from them to the current trend of the gaming industry.

Aris claimed that he had given up on the video game industry’s future after witnessing Lacari spend thousands of dollars on the infamous Genshin Impact. Livestreamers have certainly had no shortage of criticisms for trends in the contemporary gaming ecosystem, from microtransactions to battle passes, but Aris may be the first to advocate ignoring the near future of video games in favor of the past for a potential source of more creative inspiration.