Name Origins
He was very close to his grandfather and spent a lot of time with him when he was growing up. He would very rarely hear his grandfather swear, but the first time he ever did, he heard him say, ‘Dammit to hell,’ which is why he decided to use it as his handle when he first got his PlayStation 2.
Gaming Origins
Dammit2hell first started playing videos in the late 1970s with the release of Pong on the Odyssey TV game console. As he was being raised by his single-parent mom, he played most of his video games at his friends’ houses when he was growing up, because they didn’t have that much extra money to spend on games for him. He also spent a lot of time playing Super Mario on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) at K-Mart. In his pre-teens, he spent hours playing in the arcade across the street from where his mom worked, and he spent many hours doing odd jobs to earn money for them. His favorite game growing up was Metroid on the NES.
He bought a PlayStation 4/Destiny 1 bundle on sale in December 2014 and immediately fell in love with the game. He was struggling with some aspects of the games and so started searching for guides online. This was how he discovered Twitch. He registered on the platform in January 2015 and continued to watch content for the next year and a half.
Professional Gaming
After a year-and-a-half on the platform, he decided to attempt streaming his own content. He enjoyed it because he was going through a rough time in his personal life at the time and found that it was a great wat to meet people and interact with like-minded people. Although he spent the first eight months streaming Destiny 1 content, his channel only really grew after he switched to Borderlands in April 2017. He was partnered a few months after that.
He has two sons.
Dammit2hell is estimated to have ~1,600 subscribers, with an average viewership of ~180. This should earn him at least $4,000 USD per month, excluding additional income from sponsorships, tiered subscriptions, tips, Twitch cheer bit donations, merchandise sales and advertisements.
Streaming Hours
- Sun – Thurs: 23:00 onwards
- Fri & Sat: No stream
You're only a small streamer if that's how you perceive yourself. Make & meet goals that are attainable then move to more ambitious things. The sky is the limit for you but in this situation, your mind is the sky. Don't get stuck in your head & talk yourself out of trying things.