The new anti-cheat system of Activision called RICOCHET is now active in the game but still, many players are reporting that cheating in Warzone Pacific Season One is only getting worse.

While Warzone has been a success since its release in 2020, it has been marred by significant cheating issues. As a result, its community reacted positively to Activision’s announcement of RICOCHET, a dedicated anti-cheat system. It went into effect in December and was accompanied by Activision’s concerted legal efforts to shut down cheat providers.

Despite the now-public efforts to combat hackers, many reports in early 2022 suggest that the situation is only getting worse.

Some have defended the accusations, claiming that players are so afraid of their opponents cheating that they accuse anyone with good intentions of being a hacker, but the complaints suggest that cheaters are becoming more common.

Others speculated that cheaters and hackers may have improved their game by developing less detectable cheats, but it’s difficult to say for sure.

Let’s hope RICOCHET proves to be a reliable and effective system in the long run.