Name Origins
He posted on Reddit that, ‘When I was in middle school I just learned how the moon affects the tides & I was staring at it while trying to think of a username, I also felt like time was distorted a bit IE the last 2 weeks felt like a day & my current day had felt like a week. And I just put two and two together and made tidesoftime since that kinda went along with the "distortion" of my times.’
Gaming Origins
Tidesoftime and his brother were first seriously introduced to gaming when they got tonsillitis has children and had to have them removed. As a result, they were stuck at home to recover for a couple of weeks. Their parents felt sorry for them and bought them a few PlayStation 1 and PlayStation 3 games to play until they could leave the house again.
Professional Gaming
TidesofTime’s professional gaming career began in Dota 2 when he entered a few tournaments as a member of Potm Bottom in 2012. In 2014, he switched to Heathstone and was soon approached to join Tempo Storm’s team, however he then transferred to Cloud9 a few months later. He has not really streamed since December 2021.
He has a brother.
Streaming Hours
He doesn’t have a set schedule, but he does tend to stream several times a week for between 3 – 14 hours per session.
The best way to become a professional hearthstone player from scratch atm is to hit top 16 on the ladder, and to win open tournaments. Add other good players you face in ladder and sooner or later you'll end up on a pro hearthstone team. When I enter a game whether it be Dota, league, or hearthstone before I look for a team I find out if I am capable of playing at the highest level. IE when I tried to play League for 3 months I gave myself a 2-3 month time limit to hit challenger, since I had an extensive Dota background picking up another moba would be natural for me. Unfortunately, I was only able to make it around the middle of diamond 1. Long story short I decided that I wouldn't be able to participate in a top 3 EU/NA team within the next 3-6 months, so I quit and moved on (From 2014).