Name Origins
He derived it from a character named ‘Solembum’ in the fantasy novel Eragon.
Gaming Origins
When he was growing up, he enjoyed playing paper Yu-Gi-Oh!, so when one of his friends told him about a digital CCG that was similar to it in February 2015. Before playing, he decided to look into it first and so opened Twitch and found Amaz. He initially thought that it looked a bit weird, due to the aesthetics and dynamic of minions losing health. But he tried it out anyway and was instantly hooked. In his teens, he also played a lot of Call of Duty and was really good at trick-shotting.
After watching a link that his friend sent him to Trump’s guide on Hearthstone basics, he built himself a paladin deck and played it is exclusively for the rest of the year and then started branching out into other classes because he decided to try getting every class to golden. He then made himself an excel stat sheet and spent the next four months grinding Hearthstone until he achieved 30 wins each day. He then resumed playing casually. His next goal became making one golden deck for each class. He managed to accomplish this by 2017.
He then started playing Wild format when it launched in February 2017, because he has always preferred ‘meme’ game modes to competitive. However, this move got him to Legend for the first time. He also went to spend a year in Japan during that year.
Professional Gaming
When Solem returned to Germany in 2018 after his year abroad, he attempted to sell his account. But no one was interested. So, after thinking about it for a while, he decided to start streaming in September 2018 and it soon turned into a fulltime career for him. In fact, he grew quickly enough to receive Twitch partnership in May 2019. In May 2020, he casted in his first tournament. He uploaded his first video to YouTube in December 2018, but deleted everything until early 2019 later on.
In April 2019, he decided to quit streaming Hearthstone, because he didn’t enjoy it anymore. So, he moved on to Pokémon content instead. He retired from Hearthstone and deleted it in July 2021, and stopped streaming on Twitch in September 2021. He also stopped uploading to his YouTube channel in January 2022. He chose to do so in order to focus on producing NFT and cryptocurrency content on a new channel instead.
Streaming Hours
11:00 UTC onwards