Other Interests
RotterdaM08 is close to his dad. He has a nephew.
Name Origins
Rotterdam08 chose his username in 2005 when he was playing Warcraft III online with some of his Dutch friends. They decided to each use their city as their username. However, ‘Rotterdam’ is a common username, and was already taken. So, he tagged ‘08’ on to the end of his name, from ‘1908,’ which is the year that his favorite football team, Feyenoord was founded. He has been using that handle ever since.
Gaming Origins
RotterdaM08 has been playing video games since childhood.. He first played Warcraft in 2004, after buying it as a default because the game that he had really wanted, Unreal Tournament 2004 was sold out. He initially wasn't crazy about it, but when he gave it a second chance, he began to really enjoy and and so took it more seriously. In 2005, he heard about pro-tournaments for the first time and learned that Insomnia had won $10,000 USD in an event. This ignited his desire to compete in esport tournaments himself, and so he started honing his skills to that end.
Professional Gaming
He began participating in Warcraft III tournaments in 2004 and placed 6th in his first attempt. He moved on to casting video games professionally in 2010, when he cast for his first Warcraft III event, the HomeStoryCup I, in Krefeld, Germany. He hadn't planned to cast originally, but he decided to offer for that event and they took him up on his offer. from there he received more offers to cast. He later moved on to playing StarCraft II and when he reached Masters, he decided to try his luck in entering that casting scene. He heard that ESL was looking for a caster around that time, so he applied. He was hired and his career has continued to grow from there.
He started streaming his gameplays on the side in 2011 and he tries not to swear during his casts and streams.
RotterdaM08 is estimated to have about 2,600 subscribers. This would net him ~$6,500 USD per month. He has made $17,593.48 USD from his top ten donations alone as of May 2018. These amounts exclude the revenue that he generates from his casting career, sponsorships, video game coaching and advertising.
Streaming Hours
Almost daily from 22:00 UTC for 3 – 8 hours.
- RotterdaM08 has achieved the Grand Master rank in StarCraft II for almost every season since late 2012. -