Other Interests
He has a girlfriend. He has a brother. His family was originally not so supportive about his channel ambitions until he managed to partner with Machinima and his first sponsorship.
Name Origins
When he was around seven-years-old, he had a neighbor who was also named, ‘Craig.’ ‘Mini’ was therefore tacked on before his name as a differentiator. Later on, a group of his gaming friends changed them handles to their name with ‘ladd’ added to the end. And so, ‘Mini Ladd’ was born. This was changed to MiniLaddd, when one of his gaming accounts was banned and he was forced to create a new account for himself.
Gaming Origins
MiniLaddd's father worked in the oil industry when he was little, so he was born and spent the first five years of his life in Dubai. They then moved to Thailand for a few years, follwed by a three-year stint in Singapore. However, when he was about to enter middle school, his parents decided that ti would be better to give him some stability and os set him down in Northern Ireland for the remainder of his school career.
He grew up playing video games, as he found it to be a useful method of escapsim. He got his start on a rip-off N64 before moving on to Game Boy games and then Counter-Strike and Half-Life. He also used it as a way of socializing by going to LAN centers to play Counter-Strike while he was living in Singapore.
In 2014, he dropped out of university after two weeks to pursue streaming as a fulltime career.
Professional Gaming
One of his friends introduced him to YouTube gameplay and trolling videos and he thought that they were quite fun. He started creating and uploading his own content onto YouTube in 2008 when he got bored one summer and he was looking for something to do. He originally started out creating surfing simulator content. He started his current channel in May 2011. When he decided to focus on content creation, he decided to adopt an LA schedule, because that was then the majority of hid online friends were availbe to co-stream GTA V with him. He did this for two years, even though he was still living in Ireland.
This is what motivated him to live to finally move Los Angeles in 2015. However, it was intially only on a 6-month visa, so he had to return to England after that. He managed to get his 3-year work visa in 2016 and returned to LA for a bit before moving to Portland, OR. He returend to Nothern Ireland to be with his family in August 2020. He hasn't streamed since.
He primarily produces content on controllers.
Try to get a group of people who have similar subscribers to you, who do the same kind of videos and work with each other… Be in each other’s videos, like each other’s videos, because doing YouTube videos solo is incredibly difficult… Another one, if you enjoy watching your videos, then the likelihood is that other people will like watching videos. [If you don’t like a video, but think] ‘it’s alright, someone else will like it, that’s not the way to do it.