Other Interests
Gaming Origins
Khaldor started playing online games when Diablo II launched in 2000. He gradually branched out into other games and became very involved in those online communities.
Professional Gaming
During his time playing Warcraft III in around 2002, he was given the opportunity to act as a shoutcaster after one of the casters was unable to do so. He offered to try it out and the community enjoyed his style so he was invited to shoutcast regularly. However, back in those days, a cast would only happen every 2 or 3 weeks, which was fine because he was still in high school at the time. However, he was also entering online Warcraft III tournaments at the time and performing quite well at them, so he wasn't sure which aspect of the gaming industry to pursue. He decided that he was probably too emotional to become a professional player, and so chose to pursue a career in shoutcasting instead.
He then went to university where he completed his degree in International Business Administration and continued to cast games when he had time. During this time, he also became more well-known in the gaming community and even started appearing on niche TV programs and conventions in Germany.
He would participate in all of this in his spare time, but there still wasn’t really money in eSports at that stage. However, after completing his degree, he continued to broadcast and stream his casts. One day, the English stream experienced technical difficulties and so they tuned to his channel to view the match. He therefore started recapping the gameplay in English between the matches. The English community enjoyed it and encouraged him to begin broadcasting in English as well. This lead to his eventual inclusion as a commentator For World Cyber Games 2008, which stoked his interest in the pursuing shoutcasting as a full-time career.
After graduating from University, he went to Australia for a year, where he joined the StarCraft II beta and decided to transition to casting that game instead. This was after about eight years of casting for Warcraft III. He then managed to find a job in South Korea and has been working as a full-time eSports commentator ever since. In 2015, he moved back to Germany and started streaming his gameplays in his spare time. In 2017, he then moved to the US for a two-year contract as a caster and has since moved to Valencia, Spain for a change of pace.
Streaming Hours