Electra goes to visit her parents fairly regularly. She has also has a brother and a sister.
Gaming Origins
Electra has been playing video games since see was a child. She feels that they have always been a big part of her life. She majored in Leadership in college, with Business and Art as minors. When she was in her teens, she would watch streams when she was in a bad mood and she found that they helped to get her through things. This inspired her to try out streaming while she was still in college.
Outside of video games, she also participated in competitive soccer throughout her schooling career, but stopped playing once she entered college.
Professional Gaming
Electra began streaming while she was in college, setting up her Twitch channel on April 5, 2014 and her YouTube channel in January 2015. In early 2018, she decided to start streaming fulltime.
She joined compLexity on May 1, 2020.
Electra is naturally a brunette.
She doesn’t have a boyfriend at the moment.
Electra has over 3,250 subscribers, which nets her a monthly income of at least $11,375 USD, excluding income from sponsorships, tips and tournaments winnings. She has earned $34,045 USD altogether just from her top twelve tips.
Streaming Hours
She streams almost daily from around 20:00 UTC onwards for between 3 – 10 hours.
Be consistent, to not be fake and not be rude to people. Don’t do things just to get views, or you’re not going to enjoy streaming.