Gaming Origins
DansGaming started playing Super Mario Bros. when he was three-years-old and has been a fan of video games ever since. Growing up, he especially enjoyed immersing himself on his Nintendo Entertainment System whenever he needed a bit of escapism. DansGaming started streaming as a hobby in August 2009. It took him to years to build up to 100 viewers.
Professional Gaming
He started streaming full-time on June 29, 2013. In order to limit his risk, he continued working part-time at his job twice a week and ensured that he had six months’ worth of rent saved up beforehand.
DansGaming is approximated to have 9,750 subscribers to his channel. This would give him around $34,125 USD per month, excluding revenue from merchandise sales, advertising, sponsorships and tips.
Streaming Hours
He streams almost daily from around 21:00 UTC for between 4 – 13 hours.
Don’t ever give up. If I can make my dreams come true, so can you. Don’t give up if you see no viewers. Just keep streaming every day, if you’re a streamer, and don’t give up. Because if you try hard and you work hard and you interact with people that are there are and you try and you put effort into it, you can eventually work your way up that directory page and can be on the front page as well. (Extensive blog notes here.)