His dad is supportive of his career choice. he also has a cat named Cheeto.
Gaming Origins
Bwipolol grew up playing video games. Ever since he was small, he dreamed of one day having a career that involved video games.
From when he was eleven, he his brother and their friends mained World of Warcraft. He also played Arena on his own, but many of his teammates were English speakers. As they were from different places and he was learning English from them for around two years, his English accent became interesting. After a while his brother and friends became bored with WOW. Then his bother discovered League of Legends and they all started playing it together. From then on, Bwipolo has been hooked.
This is also when he started watching Twitch and YouTube content creators such as Reynad27 and imaqtiepie. Reynad especially inspired him, as he encouraged people to become the best at what they enjoyed doing, because that was a likely way for them to make money off of it. He went into fulltime pro-League straight out of high school.
Professional Gaming
Bwipolol initially joined Fnatic as a sub in January 2018 and performed so well that he was offered a fulltime position with the org after sOAZ’s injury didn’t allow him to return. This was followed by the signing of a three-year contract in November 2018. In April 2021, he declared that he would not be renewing his contract with Fnatic when it comes to an end, as he felt that his performance had been poor of late, and they should find someone more suitable for his role. He also stated that he would like to role swap to jungle for the remainder of his contract.
Hi language isn’t clean.