After hackers targeted a Twitch streamer with racist harassment in RDR2, players are pleading with Rockstar Games to fix Red Dead Redemption 2 Online.

The critically acclaimed RDR2 still has an active user base thanks to its Red Dead Online mode, despite its release in 2018. On streaming sites, the open-world multiplayer has been particularly popular.

However, fans of the western game were outraged when a Twitch streamer revealed that hackers were forcing racist content into Red Dead Redemption 2. Users are pleading with Rockstar Games to fix the issue right away.

In a series of tweets, MiltonTPike1 brought attention to the harassment. After explaining how hackers were ruining the game for streaming channels, the popular content creator pleaded with Rockstar to take action.

Then MiltonTPike1 revealed that hackers were also wreaking havoc on RDR2’s single-player mode. Red Dead players, including Rockstar insider Tez2, reacted to the player’s experience.

The insider responded with a second post, this time directly to MiltonTPike1. Other Rockstar fans reacted to the harassment by sharing their personal stories.

MiltonTPike1 went on to say that he was “extremely saddened” by the situation, as he’s been forced to stream his favorite game less and less as a result of hackers who target online creators on purpose.

Fans of the western game were outraged by the streamer’s experience, and they urged Rockstar Games to look into the harassment and fix it as soon as possible.