Several viewers of the presently suspended streamer BruceDropEmOff showed up and started discussing about the ongoing situation during a recent Eric “Erobb221” stream. 

Eric finished the first half of his FIFA game before pausing to address his stream, in particular the viewers who appeared to be looking to cause trouble. Eric was not interested. He didn’t want to get involved in any more platform drama; he simply wanted to unwind and enjoy the game. Regardless of how Erobb221 feels about Bruce’s permanent ban evasion suspension, he focused on something else during his stream and said: “You are a grownup, talking about internet drama. Reflect on your life!”

Fans of BruceDropEmOff appeared and spammed the streamer’s chat while Erobb221 was playing FIFA, talking about the latter’s indefinite Twitch suspension due to earlier ban evasion. As a result, the TSM streamer took a break from the game at one point to handle the issue. “Bro, if you really come in here to talk about drama, you are such a f**kin loser, I don’t care. Just ban yourself.”

The streamer seems to be tired of drama seekers, especially considering that he has seen circumstances like this previously. His conversation does not appear to get the message, despite him previously making it plain that he is not interested in Twitch drama. Finally, he said this time: “Honestly, you are a grownup, talking about internet drama. Reflect on your life! Please! Grow and change as a human being!” 

He quickly made fun of the folks who added drama to his and other streams’ chats before politely asking them to stop. “Shut the f**k up, man! My God!”

The regulars in the chat showed their appreciation by repeatedly typing “emoneyBased” as he resumed playing FIFA. Instead of paying any attention to the turmoil, the content creator continued to rant and rave about the game he was playing.