Other Interests
Anthony_Kongphanhas is married to streamer, LiL_Lexi, has a good relationship with his parents and has a sister and nephew.
Gaming Origins
Anthony_Kongphan grew up playing video games such as Mortal Kombat II with his cousins and sister. When he grew up, he worked as a model and actor for a while. When that didn’t work out, he started working other jobs to get by, and would stream in his spare time.
Professional Gaming
He started streaming on Twitch in 2013, but it took him 2-3 years to gain enough followers for him to consider streaming as a potential career path. As he was only working menial jobs, he decided to quit then once he had saved enough money to support himself for a month. By the end of that month, he was partnered with Twitch and has been streaming ever since.
He stated in an interview that he earns approximately $250,000 USD annually.
Streaming Hours
He streams almost daily from 02:00 UTC onwards for between 8-12 hours.
Advice for Streamers
He advises that people who want to start streaming should first ensure that they have a decent set-up, as poor quality won’t attract followers.
a good idea to research on various online retail platforms to find the best deals. However, one shouldn’t spend beyond their means. Otherwise, it’s important to have fun. It takes a while for people to get used to it. It can take a few of months to become accustomed to responding to chat while playing.