The Splitgate Showcase, hosted by Luminosity Gaming and 1047 Games, will bring together streamers, pro players, and developers to showcase the new Splitgate season.

The event commemorates the release of Splitgate Season 2, which will be available on Thursday at noon ET. Beginning at 1 p.m. On Friday at 2:00 p.m. ET, content creators will face off against some of the game’s best esports pros to discuss the new update. Saqib “LIRIK” Ali Zahib, Timmy “iiTzTimmy” An, Charles “MoistCr1TiKaL” White Jr., Kruzadar, Caesar “CDNThe3rd” Noriega, and a few Luminosity creators are among the streamers taking part.

Content creators will be joined by Splitgate pros and developers from 1047 Games, the game’s creators. In addition to previewing Splitgate Season 2, the showcase will promote the redesigned Splitgate Pro Series Summer Season 2022. Luminosity is one of six professional organizations participating, along with MoistCr1TiKaL’s new Moist Esports.

Crazies stated that he is most excited to play with CDNThe3rd and iiTzTimmy, though MoistCr1TiKaL comes in third. He’s interested to see how the streamers, who are mostly experienced in the first-person shooter genre, react to Splitgate. While some, like MoistCr1TiKaL, have some portal arena shooting experience, others are new to the game.

Crazies, ZachsMaxed, and other Splitgate pros have already experienced Splitgate Season 2 and are eager for the general public to get their hands on it. Splitgate Season 2 will, they agreed, bring in a lot of content creators and casual players.

At or on the streams of the participating content creators, you can watch the Splitgate Showcase.