German Twitch streamer Logtube_ recently made headlines by brazenly displaying his scripts and cheats while taking the role of Xerath. The streamer, who is said to be a Grand Master-ranked player, admitted to using cheats while playing League of Legends and demonstrated them.

The streamer added that he wouldn’t face a Twitch ban. He continued to play, showing no remorse for what he was doing.

The League of Legends Twitch streamer was cheating the entire time he played the character Xerath, showing no signs of fear. When a viewer inquired whether the streamer was aware that the script was visible, the latter responded negatively.

Additionally, Logtube_ noted that by using Twitch chat rather than voice chat, he wouldn’t be banned from Twitch. The player could see enemies through the fog of war while controlling Xerath. He also had a direct line that pointed them out as they drew near. He could activate evasion to avoid skills and execute flawless skill shots because of this advantage.

This streamer has openly cheated previously, too. In a different match, Logtube_ played as “FNC Wunder” and used the same Xerath script. During the first match, some spectators stood up for him while others threatened to report. Even so, the Twitch streamer didn’t appear to be concerned about the repercussions.

The LiveStreamFails community on Reddit did not like Logtubeopen ‘s League of Legends cheating. While there is debate over how good League is, the majority of players detest cheating because it makes ranked matches much more difficult to win. One commenter has already expressed their shock at the people who are defending the behavior of the Twitch streamer.

While this has been going on, some have made fun of it, dubbing this streamer the “least scripted Xerath player,” while others have made fun of him for losing despite cheating. This sparked a discussion about League of Legends cheating. In LoL, a result is determined by a variety of factors, so unfair play does not guarantee victory.

While they condemned cheating, some people quipped that the actual script looked cool and must have been enjoyable to write. Others, on the other hand, concurred that while carrying out such plays can be a lot of fun, it does cause significant issues in online games.

The common use of these cheats in League of Legends was another subject of discussion. While some comments claimed that cheating is simple to spot in the game, others argued that the majority of League champions don’t actually benefit from this kind of scripting.

League of Legends is still being streamed on the platform by Logtube_ as of this writing, so it remains to be seen whether any of the viewer complaints will result in a penalty.