An AAA competitive PvPvE first-person shooter is being developed by Midnight Society, the company founded by Dr. Disrespect, a banned Twitch streamer.

According to a blog the studio published over the weekend, “Snapshots” for the upcoming Project Moon will be released (July 8). The studio plans to release these playable experiences focused on specific milestones every six weeks. At each milestone, players will have the chance to offer feedback on items such as weapons, skills, gameplay, and environments. The developers will review this feedback and take it into account for upcoming Snapshots.

We first mentioned Midnight Society’s sale of early access passes back in March, and now we know more about the advantages for those who purchase an Access Pass. Access Pass holders are the only ones who can download snapshots, and roundtable discussions with the developers allow discussion of the design of each feature, weapon, balancing, and other essential gameplay loops.

The full rights to stream these playable Snapshots and create content from them, including sharing screenshots, assets, live streams, and any other content they create while playing through them, will be granted to Access Pass holders as well, so that’s not the only advantage. Although these Snapshots don’t contain the entire game, they will highlight its most important features as they are currently being built by the developers.

Project Moon is a vertical extraction shooter that aims to combine the scale and scope of battle royale player counts with the gameplay mechanics of extraction-based shooters to capture the essence of arena shooter-level design.

In essence, players can anticipate keeping the loot and rewards from every match they manage to win; however, dying means losing everything. There won’t be an open world or a vast landscape to explore because of the vertical aspect, which suggests that the world was created upwards rather than outwards.

The blog post continues by discussing the first Founders Event, which will be held in Los Angeles. The studio, game, and owners of Founders Passes will celebrate this date on July 29 in a special way. The first Snapshot will be discussed at the event even though it doesn’t yet have a release date. It will include the first weapon, play area, and challenging gameplay loops the studio is developing, including three shooting range experiences.

In addition, Midnight Society will broadcast the event live on its Discord server and Dr. Disrespect’s YouTube channel for players and followers who can’t attend in person but still want to take part.