Twitch Streamer Comment Etiquette has been banned from Twitch for using a word that is prohibited in the terms of service.

Several well-known Twitch streamers have recently been banned, demonstrating that even those with the largest audiences can face forced time off. Twitch streamer Comment Etiquette has just gotten banned from Twitch because of something he said that is known for causing bans.

During a livestream, Twitch streamer Comment Etiquette was writing a script to scary music when they said “cracker,” a word that is against the website’s terms of service, resulting in a 30-day ban. According to Comment Etiquette, his recent ban comes after his use of a racial slur that others have been banned from Twitch for using.

Other notable streamers that have been banned for using the same term include popular Twitch streamers Froste and Hasan Piker, who both maintain a large audience just like Comment Etiquette. Comment Etiquette recently published content criticizing social media platforms for banning people who use racial terminology, but the Twitch ban appears to be unrelated to that content. After several years on YouTube, the Twitch streamer switched to Amazon’s streaming platform, and he hasn’t uploaded anything to the video-sharing website in over two weeks.

Comment Etiquette has been chastised for having already been banned on Twitch, despite the fact that he only recently joined to expand his audience beyond YouTube and Twitter. Given that he was already aware of his potential suspension based on his language, it is still unclear whether he anticipated the ban. Comment Etiquette joked with his community about the month-long ban, taking a lighthearted approach to letting his audience know how long he’ll be gone.

Comment Etiquette is known for using profanity, memes, and sarcasm in his content, but his language may not be appropriate for Twitch’s bannable offenses.

Comment Etiquette’s most recent YouTube video included the same word that he was previously banned for using on Twitch, implying that he will be punished on Google as well. Although it’s unlikely that Comment Etiquette’s sense of humor will change once he returns to Twitch, the ban may cause him to avoid certain terms and topics.

Members of Comment Etiquette who were watching live might have guessed he’d be kicked off the platform for a while. The Twitch streamer has only been banned once, whereas other Twitch streamers such as xQc, Amouranth, and Destiny have all been banned multiple times. 

During his 30-day ban, some of his fans expressed support for the Twitch streamer, while others defended Twitch’s decision.