Category: Equipment

Hiko’s Gaming Setup

An In-Depth Look At Hiko’s Gaming Setup

Hiko got his start in the professional CS:GO scene in 2011 and has been part of the streaming community since 2014. Although he no longer mains CS:GO, he is still known for his love of fps games, as well as his...

BigEx’s Gaming Setup

An In-Depth Look At BigEx’s Gaming Setup

Although he originally started out as an NBA 2K streamer, he has since built a name for himself for his GTA V roleplaying and sense of humor. He rarely shows his face on stream, so as not to detract from the...

BallaTW’s Gaming Setup

An In-Depth Look At BallaTW’s Gaming Setup

BallaTW is an established broadcaster, who got his start by grinding his way up the casting and analyst rungs shortly after Fortnite released. He is also known as a skilled fps player in his own right. Below, we have...

Arkrham's setup

An In-Depth Look At Arkhram’s Gaming Setup

Arkhram got his start as a Fortnite prodigy in 2018 when he won a LAN tournament at the Oakland Esports Arena. One of the event organizers then approached his dad, telling him that his son had the potential to go pro...