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xQc on Pokimane’s Attitude

xQc Talks About Shitcamp

Twitch star Imane Anys aka Pokimane is now back on Twitch after an August hiatus, and fellow Twitch streamer Felix Lengyel aka xQc has some criticism for her new attitude.

Twitch streamer Pokimane took a break from Twitch in late August and didn’t return until September 8th. Before leaving, the prominent Twitch streamer said it was time for a change and that she didn’t want to be a “should-er” any more. Pokimane’s Twitch hiatus wasn’t only for a change of mood as she needed to “re-prioritize life” and figure out some things.

Since her return to Twitch after a hiatus, Pokimane appears to have taken on a more carefree attitude. The Twitch streamer herself stated that she used to perform a lot of things because she felt obligated to, rather than because she wanted to. Before returning to Twitch with her new attitude, Pokimane declared that her time of playing it safe on the platform is done.

Upon her return, Pokimane also revealed that she had acquired a new skateboard deck with a graphic design on it, which surprised some members of her community. It was a  detailed picture of a crying woman with a tentacle in her mouth adorned the skateboard. Pokimane thought the black and white skateboard was incredibly cool and that she liked the artwork on it.

On September 22nd during a live broadcast, fellow twitch streamer xQc witnessed Pokimane lambasting a fan for criticizing her new stream start during a Twitch stream. The Pokimane fan made a comment about her new Twitch intro being “dog s***.” Pokimane responded to the Twitch viewer with a literal snapshot of dog poo to show how different it is. This is when xQc started criticizing Pokimane’s return, calling her remark “dumb.”

In response to Pokimane’s photo of dog feces, xqc said; “That is so dumb, right? Why would anybody do this?”

Although xQc has previously used graphic imagery to lash out at trolls in his Twitch chat, he has yet to do so this time. Trolls are a common occurrence among Twitch streamers, but Pokimane’s answer to recent criticism is a unique way of dealing with them.

Many Pokimane followers have their own theories about what’s behind the Twitch streamer’s recent adjustments, but xQc has his own. Pokimane, according to xQc, is attempting to be rebellious these days, and he believes the recent developments are strange. While Pokimane has a history of profanity and crude conduct, some viewers, such as xQc, believe the new modifications are too radical.

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