Other Interests
He and his wife have two daughters. He also has a brother and a cat.
Name Origins
According to his chat bot, ‘I came up with this name when I was 13 riding my motorcycle near the train tracks, I passed a container on a train with the name Hanjin on the side. I liked the name Hanj so I thought about it for a few days and created Hanjaro from it’.
Gaming Origins
HanjoroLoL grew up playing video games, with his first online game being Ultima Online he was thirteen years old. When he was older, he moved on to other games, including Dark Age of Camelot, World of Warcraft, and the original Counter-Strike game, pre1.6.
In 2012, his sister-in-law introduce him and his wife to League of Legends during Season 2. He initially started out playing it casually and ended the season in Bronze 3. He became more driven in Season 3 and started focusing more on improving his gameplay.
Professional Gaming
He started streaming on Twitch on July 24, 2013. However, it was only after he joined Enemy Stream Team two years later that he finally received full partnership. When he started streaming fulltime, there first daughter was still a baby and his wife was studying fulltime, so he had to coordinate watching his daughter around his streaming times. He joined Monster KittenZ for a few months in 2014, after one of his viewers who managed the team, encouraged him to try out. After that, he decided to focus solely on streaming. His wife has since graduated from college.
He decided to transition to Facebook Gaming in January 2020.
Streaming Hours
- Mon – Fri: 22:00 UTC onward
- Sun – Fri: 11:00 UTC onward
- Sat: No stream
[In order to improve, you need to] realize that you’re the one making mistakes. Like, if you’re not climbing, it’s on you, it’s not on your team. There are a small percentage of games where people are going to make mistakes and they’re going to lose the game for you. But usually, there’s usually something you can do to change it. Statistically, it may be very small, but you just have to find it.