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PandaTV Rushed to ER Amidst Subathon Stream

PandaTV Rushed to ER Amidst Subathon Stream

Twitch streamer PandaTV, who is currently hosting a subathon stream, was recently rushed to the Emergency room warning other streamers of the risk.

PandaTV is a popular Australian Twitch streamer who rose to fame on the site with his lengthy World of Warcraft live broadcasts. He has over 171k twitch followers and an impressive record for the longest subathon stream yet done on the site defeating Ludwig subathon record at a mind-boggling 840-hour broadcast, and because of this, PandaTV is becoming increasingly well-known in the Twitch world.

On September 10th, PandaTV was attempting a 24-hour live stream for the Australian non-profit suicide prevention organization RUOK. RUOK, is a suicide prevention organization and Panda was out to help their cause.

However, in the midst of one of his long streams, he started to feel off so he ended his stream early as expected and rushed into the hospital. Eventually, PandaTV updated his fans and viewers as he posted several updates from the hospital to his Twitter account. He said the doctors aren’t exactly sure what’s wrong, and that they suspect a blood clot among other possible ailments.

While he has provided a handful of updates since the tweet, but still nothing yet on exactly what caused his hospitalization but he did warn other streamers to be safe doing long streams. Fans and other streamers like the popular World of Warcraft player Asmongold have been voicing their support to PandaTV’s Twitter page, wishing him a quick recovery stating; “Love you dude, wishing you the best recovery possible.”

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