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Jump King Dunk Tank Setup

Jump King Dunk Tank Setup

The cruelest streaming setup ever seen on Twitch was created by streamer KeatDawg, who played the video game Jump King while suspended over a dunk tank that submerged him into the water each time he fell in the game.

Jump King is a notoriously challenging game that forces you to climb a seemingly endless ascent riddled with treacherous winds, steep slopes, and other obstacles that frequently send you tumbling back to the bottom of the map. Jump King has almost evolved into a rite of passage for streamers; the majority of the most well-known creators, including xQc, Ludwig, Mizkif, and more, have all invested countless hours into the platformer.

KeatDawg made every fall have a very real repercussion, adding yet another level of torture to the already difficult game. The Twitch streamer set up a fully functional dunk tank that alerts him whenever his game performance takes a significant hit. If KeatDawg falls on the map, he immediately falls into the pool in real life.

Fortunately, KeatDawg’s design considered the risks that might arise from such a venture. The streamer prevents any potential hardware from spilling into the pool by using a one-handed controller and a device to catch his headphones. KeatDawg still has to reset his chair after each dunk because of the setup, but he nonetheless designed a nearly ideal set-up for his masochistic endeavor.

Over the course of his 21-minute stream, KeatDawg was drenched more than eight times, with a brief pause for silent acceptance before each dip. An issue with the setup’s system eventually forced an end to the stream, and it is unknown at this time whether KeatDawg will use the setup to broadcast in the near future.

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