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JasonR Admits Avoiding Playing With Women

JasonR Admits Avoiding Playing With Women

Twitch streamer JasonR has admitted to not playing Valorant with women on purpose after previously denying sexism allegations.

Remember how Ninja said he didn’t stream with women because he didn’t want to spread gossip and cause problems for his wife a few years ago? Another streamer, however, has admitted to doing the exact same thing, albeit in a far more heated situation.

Jason ‘JasonR’ Ruchelski, who streams Valorant on a regular basis, came under fire last month for allegedly refusing to play the game with other women. Rather than being forthright like Ninja, he would claim that his Internet had gone down or that the game had crashed.

If he did manage to recruit women to his team, he would silence them. Annie ‘Annie Dro’ Roberts, a professional Valorant player, claimed that over 50 women had experienced this and accused JasonR of gaslighting his audience.

During a Twitch stream at the time, he denied the allegations, albeit in a vitriolic manner that didn’t help his case. Things only got worse when he played a game with fellow streamer and friend Tarik ‘tarik‘ Celik during another Valorant stream. The game was live streamed, and JasonR referred to Tarik as a “L friend” during it.

Following that, Tarik asked JasonR to clarify what he meant, prompting JasonR to demand to know why Tarik had not defended him against the sexism accusations.

Tarik told JasonR that he believes the allegations and that he has seen enough proof to back them up. Tarik didn’t want to be seen as endorsing JasonR’s behavior, so he chose not to call him out or publicly criticize him.

The debate lasted nearly an hour and, predictably, went viral online, bringing the controversy to the attention of even more people. According to comments on a YouTube video, few people were quick to defend JasonR after his outburst.

Finally, JasonR admitted to his actions on Twitch, saying he did it for his wife’s sake. Although the Twitch upload has since been removed, it was evidently saved and shared on Reddit.

JasonR’s Twitlonger post, which says essentially the same thing, hasn’t been deleted. He also says he won’t go out of his way to avoid interacting with women in the future, and he apologizes if his intentions were misunderstood.

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