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Fighting ‘Hate Raids’

Fighting ‘Hate Raids’

Streaming platform Twitch recently vowed that they are going to battle the”hate raids” in response to complaints about harassment to marginalized content creators.

According to Twitch, they now updated their filtering tools to better detect hate speech on chat forums and promised more improvements in the coming days. Hate raids are now getting out of hand and many streamers are involved. Many are now experiencing abusive remarks by the automated bot accounts.

Many people are now being targeted with such abuse and many people and users of the platform are demanding the steramingplatfrom to “Do Better” and take action regarding the abuse in the platform.

Many streamers are also sharing their experience realizing that they are not the only one who is being targeted by these hideous bots.

Twitch announced that they will make more updates and try its best to fight these abusers and said that they are now reaching out to its streamers who are abused to know and learn more about the said abuse.

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