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Doublelift Banned From LCS Co-Streams

Doublelift Banned From LCS Co-Streams

Due to remarks, he made during a recent stream, Doublelift has been barred from participating in the upcoming week of LCS co-streams, as he has revealed via his Twitch stream.

One of the most well-liked elements of LCS game days is co-streaming. The LCS Watch Party program, which was introduced in 2021, permits authorized streamers to directly stream LCS games through their own channels and offer live commentary without running the risk of receiving any copyright strikes.

One of the most well-known professional players in North America and a former LCS player, Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng, is one of these authorized co-streamers. Since the Watch Party program launched in 2021, he has been regularly co-streaming the LCS.

That is until he announced on July 14 that comments he made during one of his Twitch streams had resulted in a ban from streaming the upcoming weekend’s games.

During a recent live stream, Doublelift brought up a rumor that the LCS had prevented Team Liquid mid laner Sren “Bjergsen” Bjerg from taking part in Mr. Beast’s recent League of Legends show match in Las Vegas. Doublelift then made the remark, “LCS is dying,” during the discussion.

He asserts that the LCS contacted him following the comment and informed him that his channel had been the target of a second strike. The first was for using profanity in a YouTube video that was played during a livestream (presumably during an LCS co-stream), and the second resulted in him being prohibited from co-streaming on July 16–17 for LCS game days.

With four weeks left in the regular season, it’s uncertain whether his ban from co-streaming will actually last that long. He later continued to tell his chat that he’d “see you in playoffs,” but there are still four weeks left in the regular season.

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