Devil May Cry 5 is the latest installment in the P2P Japanese third-person horror and slasher franchise from Capcom. Interestingly, the human models for the 3D character renderings were chosen from the US, while the clothing models were from London. The majority of the game production was done in Japan. It is slated for release on March 8, 2019 and from what we’ve seen so far it promises to be visually beautiful.
The Premise
Shortly after their conversation, Nero, who has opened a mobile branch of ‘Devil May Cry’ is investigating sudden paranormal activity in Red Grave City with his partner Nico. There, they discover that a giant tree as burst out of the ground in the middle of the city and is piercing people with its roots and draining them of their blood. Nico has recently completed a new arm for Nero, so this is the perfect opportunity for him to test out his new Devil Breaker.
As the story unfolds, he discovers that the current events may be tied to the enigmatic cloaked figure who stole his real right arm that possessed his Devil Bringer ability. Eventually, he teams up with V and Dante and his crew to pursue this new threat and hopefully discover the answers to his past and the reason for the theft of his arm.
There are three playable characters in Devil May Cry 5, namely Dante, Nero and V, each of which are equipped with their own unlockable skills and weaponry. Players will switch between them as the plot unfolds.
As with other games, players will fight through hordes of monsters while making bad quips. They can switch between unlocked weapons mid-fight but will face restrictions with more powerful skills and weapons, as is the case with Nero’s arm that will break and need to be replaced when overused.
The dome version is currently available for the Xbox One, with most players reporting a smooth gameplay experience. Players can opt to player either on or offline, with the online option offering players the option for co-op play when multiple main characters are fighting together. If offline, the character/s that they are not playing as will be AI-controlled.
Aside from Nero, Dante and V, other side characters featuring in the game are promised to include Lady, Trish and Nico.
New Characters
Devil May Cry 5 introduces us to ‘V’ who, based on the trailers, appears to be a bit eccentric, which given the rest of the character ensemble, is hardly surprising. So far, all we know about him is that he claims to have low combat capabilities, although the gameplay previews indicate that he is pretty agile, despite his limp.
The other newcomer is Nico, who is the granddaughter of Nell Goldstein, the famous gunsmith who molded Dante’s Ebony and Ivory pieces. She now works with Nero in his mobile van. She is a supporting character whose function is primarily to develop and provide enhancements to the main characters’ various weapons.
Photo Mode
Players can pause at any time during the game to explore the gameplay from any perspective. The will then be able to save their screenshots for personal use and social media shares.
Gallery Mode
Players can view their weapons in their gallery to examine them from any angle.
Multiplayer Mode
Although this game is a solo game for the most part, it will be possible for up to three players to join forces in certain fights when all three main characters are fighting main bosses. Aside from that, the only other method of multiplayer engagement seems to be through the stylish point ranking system whereby players earn points for combo attacks and can potentially rank high on global leadership boards. These points will also provide players with bonus red orbs at the end of each arc in the game.
Bloody Palace
This DLC is scheduled for release in April 2019 and will likely feature at least 100 levels of monster for players to plough through. This is a challenge mode that exists outside of the main story-arc.
Void Mode
This is Devil May Cry 5’s practice mode that will allow newcomers to familiarize themselves with the gameplay and stylish point-system.
Each character has their own set of weapons, allowing for diverse attack styles and gameplay. This list will only briefly touch on each of them:
Red Orbs
Red Orbs are drops of crystallized demon blood that acts as the gold drops of Devil May Cry 5. They can be used to purchase new skills and weapons.
Green Orbs
These orbs are drops of crystallized demon fluid that are also dropped when demons are slayed. They can be consumed to recharge a character’s vitality.
Gold Orbs
These are earned through various in-game ranking system, and allow players to regenerate immediately when they die, without losing any progress.
Deluxe Edition
Alternate weapon and character skins will be available with the deluxe edition and pre-orders, but Capcom has assured players that the game is still smooth and completable without the bonus content. Additional content also includes new music, 100,000 red orbs and additional cutscenes.