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Destiny Take On Greekgodx Controversial Statements

Destiny Take On Greekgodx Controversial Statements

YouTube gaming streamer Destiny recently offered his thoughts on recent content from Twitch user Greekgodx that has generated controversy.

The YouTuber was watching a recent livestream by xQc, in which the latter invited Greekgodx to participate in a substantive discussion, but things quickly got heated, and the two Twitch content producers ended up having divergent opinions on a number of issues, which resulted in a fight during a live stream.

Destiny made an effort to explain Greekgodx’s actions. Since hosting a dramatic livestream last month and receiving a three-day ban as a result, he has been in the news frequently. The Twitch streamer went on another misogynistic rant after making his return earlier this month, asserting that women are manipulative and controlling.

Asmongold and xQc, two well-known Twitch content producers, contacted Dimitri on their respective channels to find out what was wrong with him. On several contentious topics, he disagreed with his fellow Twitch stars and offered more hot takes.

In response to some of the viral videos that featured Greekgodx, Destiny said that he was correct and that his opinions stemmed from a deep sense of insecurity. He went on to discuss it further.

Destiny continued by saying something Greekgodx wished someone had said to him ten years earlier. He resumed playing the video of xQc talking to Greekgodx, and he streamed for an additional four hours.

Several viewers who had seen Destiny’s clip on r/LivestreamFail agreed with the streamer’s assessment.

Popular streaming star Destiny was earlier this year permanently barred from Twitch. He has been regularly livestreaming on YouTube Gaming ever since, and as of right now, he has 438k subscribers and more than 290 million channel views.

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